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Muay Thai


The power comes from the hips.

  1. Jab
    1. Jab to chin
    2. Fake jab
  2. Cross
    1. Cross to chin
    2. Cross to solar plexus
    3. Fake cross
  3. Front hook
    1. Hook to chin with vertical or horizontal knuckles
    2. Hook to ribs with vertical knuckles
  4. Rear hook: not recommended because it exposes your ribs
  5. Front upper
    1. Upper to chin
  6. Rear upper
    1. Upper to chin


The power comes from the hips.

  1. Front and back teep
    1. Solar plexus
    2. Hip
  2. Low kicks
    1. Targets
      1. Ankle
      2. Knee
      3. Inner thigh
      4. Outer thigh
    2. Fakes
      1. Fake with same side kick
      2. Fake with other side kick
  3. Rear high kick
    1. Stand on toes
    2. Step and kick
    3. Targets
      1. Knee
      2. Thigh
      3. Ribs
      4. Head
  4. Front high kick
    1. Stand on toes
    2. Step and kick
    3. Switch and kick
    4. Targets are same as rear high kick


  1. Horizontal / circular elbow and reverse
  2. Vertical elbow and reverse
  3. Spinning elbow


  1. Forward knee
  2. Upward knee

Punch defense

  1. Jab/Cross
    1. Block in front
    2. Long guard in front
    3. Parry
    4. Slip
    5. Lean back
      1. Front arm goes down
  2. Hook
    1. Hand on elbow
    2. Long guard with hand on elbow
  3. Upper
    1. Catch and elbow

Kick defense

  1. Teep
    1. Catch
    2. Parry
  2. Low kick
  3. Mid kick
    1. Block with knee inside elbow
    2. Catch
  4. High kick
    1. Both hands to side
  5. All
    1. Step back


  1. Get inside position
  2. Elbows
  3. Knees


  1. Backwards
  2. Forwards